SIXTIES MANIA A Journey Through The Sixties SPRING FUNDRAISER! Wednesday, March 19 7:00pm VIP Tickets: $50 includes 5:45 private reception Show Only: $35 Direct from Las Vegas! ACATA IA CENTER FOR THE ARTS | (218) 736-5453 124 W Lincoln Ave, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 The Beatles to Woodstock and everything in between! SIXTIES MANIA A Journey Through The Sixties SPRING FUNDRAISER ! Wednesday , March 19 7:00 pm VIP Tickets : $ 50 includes 5:45 private reception Show Only : $ 35 Direct from Las Vegas ! ACATA IA CENTER FOR THE ARTS | ( 218 ) 736-5453 124 W Lincoln Ave , Fergus Falls , MN 56537 The Beatles to Woodstock and everything in between !